I have a FBX to be imported from 3ds max and it has two animations (each has the same duration) - one is for expanding the frame’s width and the other is for expanding the frame’s height.(it would not be changing the scale of the frame because I need to keep the frame’s thickness)
What I need to achieve is a frame with arbitrary ratio of width / height by setting currentTime of each animation to get a portrait, landscape or square of various sizes. Is it possible in Playcanvas? It looks Playcanvas does not allow to set currentTime separately if we have multiple animation assets in the component. Please help.
I approached this project with slicing into several parts, but the actual frame is a pretty complicated mesh and couldn’t get nice cuts (90 degree cut) which affects thickness of the frame here and there when scaling. Any other suggestions please?
One idea (although I have no idea how to do this in PlayCanvas) is to move the bones (I’m assuming there are bones?) in code rather than using a bespoke animation.