Tween Library works at least twice faster than before playcanvas v1.30.8 update

Tween Library works at least twice faster than before this update
And it has caused many problems in my projects
Before the update I used 1sec for tween timer

        .to(pos, 1, pc.SineOut)

but now i must use half of this value to work in desire way

        .to(pos, 0.5, pc.SineOut)

Should I decrease the timer value of all my codes in half or is there a problem in the update?

Are you saying that:

        .to(pos, 1, pc.SineOut)

…will now tween the entity over 1 second or half a second.

The code of the two is exactly same
But one is before the update of tween library and the other is after its update

This had a negative impact on the entire project(s) and caused problems

I am facing the opposite issue. Tween durations now need to be doubled to get the expected result. 1 sec = 0.5 sec, 2 sec = 1 sec, and so on. For now I am doubling the intended duration, but this should really be fixed.

Delay’s also need to be doubled.

Could one of you create a simple project that demonstrates the problem, please? We are using tween extensively throughout our projects and it works as expected on our end.


The new version and the previous version work exactly same

Probably something else affects our project

I will check