[SOLVED] Tiled image and sprite generate fragment shader error on new engine version 1.53.2

All of my projects with tiled assets now generate the error:

launch.js:15193 Failed to compile fragment shader:

ERROR: 0:210: 'texture' : no matching overloaded function found
ERROR: 0:210: 'a' :  field selection requires structure, vector, or interface block on left hand side

205:		#ifdef MAPFLOAT
206:		dAlpha *= material_opacity;
207:		#endif
209:		#ifdef MAPTEXTURE
210:		dAlpha *= texture2D(texture_opacityMap, nineSlicedUv, -1000.0, textureBias).a;
211:		#endif
213:		#ifdef MAPVERTEX
214:		dAlpha *= clamp(vVertexColor.VC, 0.0, 1.0);
215:		#endif
console.error @ launch.js:15193
launch.js:15193 Error in material "defaultImage9TiledMaterial" with flags 65541

Demo project:

Can confirm, calling @yaustar

we’ll investigate and fix it likely tomorrow. In the meantime, please switch back to the previous version. Thanks for the report!

Hi @Mathieu_Branchaud,

We have a fix for the engine here. It will need some testing, then we’ll release.


This should now be fixed.

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