Thunderbolt Rain

I wonder if someone has experimented with some weather effects (rain, thunderbolt)?

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Hi @iso74,

I haven’t seen a similar example in Playcanvas, for rain and snow your best friend is a particle system. It can work quite ok for open world scenes, if you have indoor gameplay you will have to find a way to mask the output to avoid … raining indoors. Not sure how that can be done with the Playcanvas particles emitter.

For thunderbolts a simple billboard (camera oriented plane) together with a strong flashing light can have a good result.

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For rain, I be more tempted to do what they did in Metal Gear Solid 2. Full screen effect with some local particle effects to sell the idea.

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For rain and snow i used a particle system in front of camera as child and the fog effect to simulate the low visibility, for thunders haven’t tried anything yet.


I once faked lightning with creating a super short tween which put the light intensity for a short time up to 10 and back down again. Have an audio source play a thunder.mp3 and you are good to go. I think this was in unity.

Probably not the best solution but it could help you along the way :slight_smile:

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I wonder if taking a chromakey raindrop video like this one would work.

@Sebastian There is also a javascript effect for that i remember i found it with a search on google some time ago.

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This is a nice effect. I don’t know if that can be performant but if you could render it on a transparent canvas then you can grab the pixels and create a pc.Texture.

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