The engine update from v1.46.1 to v1.46.2 destroys my project, which is still under development

Hello, I have a problem with my project that I am still developing. Everything worked pretty well 1 week ago and then suddenly a lot of problems came up. I try a lot to understand the problem. Now I know why it is happening. There was an engine update (v1.46.2). My project worked with v1.46.1 without any problems. The problems occur with v1.46.2 to v1.46.4. I am sending the error that I get many times. How can I solve this problem? Thanks for your attention.
ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50308386&branchId=89dc6650-5a8e-4234-83e3-1da71a31918b&t=a6819ea71a53e67f1dfe3e42957c2971:0xb3ad Uncaught RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds at ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50308386&branchId=89dc6650-5a8e-4234-83e3-1da71a31918b&t=a6819ea71a53e67f1dfe3e42957c2971:0xb3ad at ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50308386&branchId=89dc6650-5a8e-4234-83e3-1da71a31918b&t=a6819ea71a53e67f1dfe3e42957c2971:0x1ac4a at ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50308386&branchId=89dc6650-5a8e-4234-83e3-1da71a31918b&t=a6819ea71a53e67f1dfe3e42957c2971:0x4499e at R.updateWheelTransform (ammo.wasm.js?id=50308269&branchId=89dc6650-5a8e-4234-83e3-1da71a31918b&t=6b7ab3989e4f9f17c86e44380f9181c6:663) at scriptType.Vehicle.update (vehicle.js?id=50308205&branchId=89dc6650-5a8e-4234-83e3-1da71a31918b:141) at ScriptComponent._scriptMethod (playcanvas-stable.js:63064) at ScriptComponent._onUpdate (playcanvas-stable.js:63101) at ScriptComponentSystem._callComponentMethod (playcanvas-stable.js:63667) at ScriptComponentSystem._onUpdate (playcanvas-stable.js:63684) at Function._helper (playcanvas-stable.js:42942) (edited)

September 9, 2021

Can you share a build of the project/share the project itself for someone to look at please?

Also, to confirm, please try running the project with the older version this way

(example, won’t work as it’s not a public project)

just add ?use_local_engine= at the end of your launched url when you start the project from the editor.

I’ve tried an older version (v1.46.1), there is no problem, the errors come with version v1.46.2 and newer.
Can i publish my project with older (v1.46.1)version?

If you are self hosting, you will need to manually swap out the engine file for an older one (eg

Unfortunately, you can’t specify an engine version when publishing to

If you have a build of game that I can access (DM me the link), I can take a look to see what the issue could be.

I’ll host it myself, but not now after I’m done with the project. I think the errors come when loading the 2nd scene. When I deactivate vehicles (with ammo) there is no more error. I made a demo project in this demo when I load the vehicle scene an error comes up that I also get in my project.But when you click the loading button twice the scene is loaded correctly. Yes, I can send you 2 links from my project one with old version others with new ones.
Demo project > with current egine(v1.46.4)
with older engine(v1.46.1)


Thanks for the project, I’ve looked at each commit that is between 1.46.1 and 1.46.2 and it’s is the PR that broke the project:

I will try to find a smaller reproducible


ok thank you.

GitHub issue created:

For the short term, continue development running under 1.46.1

And the fix PR is ready. Sorry we causing you this problem, and huge thanks for the report and a repro, that made the fix much easier.


Ok, but I still have the problem. i am posting the full error message.
In this demo project you can see another error message

Below error message from my project.
ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50…3e42957c2971:0xb3ad Uncaught RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds at ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50…3e42957c2971:0xb3ad at ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50…e42957c2971:0x1ac4a at ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50…e42957c2971:0x4499e at R.updateWheelTransform (ammo.wasm.js?id=5030…86e44380f9181c6:663) at scriptType.Vehicle.update (vehicle.js?id=503082…e3-1da71a31918b:141) at ScriptComponent._scriptMethod (playcanvas-stable.js:63064) at ScriptComponent._onUpdate (playcanvas-stable.js:63101) at ScriptComponentSystem._callComponentMethod (playcanvas-stable.js:63667) at ScriptComponentSystem._onUpdate (playcanvas-stable.js:63684) at Function._helper (playcanvas-stable.js:42942)

$func175 @ ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50…3e42957c2971:0xb3ad
$func336 @ ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50…e42957c2971:0x1ac4a
$yn @ ammo.wasm.wasm?id=50…e42957c2971:0x4499e
R.updateWheelTransform @ ammo.wasm.js?id=5030…86e44380f9181c6:663
Vehicle.update @ vehicle.js?id=503082…e3-1da71a31918b:141
_scriptMethod @ playcanvas-stable.js:63064
_onUpdate @ playcanvas-stable.js:63101
_callComponentMethod @ playcanvas-stable.js:63667
_onUpdate @ playcanvas-stable.js:63684
_helper @ playcanvas-stable.js:42942
update @ playcanvas-stable.js:42957
update @ playcanvas-stable.js:69990
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70690
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673
requestAnimationFrame (async)
(anonymous) @ playcanvas-stable.js:70673

The fix hasn’t been released yet. Just merged to master and will be available in the next release of 1.47.0