Texture changes in PlayCanvas

Aha, knew it! Anyway, I will do the necessary changes and get on with my life, but I still think it’s bad to mess with vertex values, as it will be a source of confusion in the custom shaders.

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Looks like Three.js flips uv coordinates in the gpu by default.

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The Animated textures tutorial needs a small revision.

For animated texture:



I’ve updated it. Thanks!

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Published to the main developer site

We are currently getting the textures upside-down once we download the project since this change, but the popup to re-compress it nowhere to be found, should this show automatically or is there any other way to recompress all our textures?


Are the textures themselves upsides down or is it only when it’s used for render targets/with shaders?

If it’s the textures that are upside down, you can remove the compression and re-apply it:
Kapture 2021-08-13 at 12.56.59

If it’s render targets, you will need to add an option to flip the target, eg;

    var renderTarget = new pc.RenderTarget(device, colorBuffer, {
        depth: true,
        flipY: true // This option

If it’s a shader, you may need to do use the 1 - yUV method as suggested here:

If you generate UV coordinates at runtime you will have to ensure texture V coordinates are correctly flipped. For example you can add the following to your shader:

texCoord.y = 1.0 - texCoord.y;

This also applies to custom shader chunks. Specifically, if you have custom versions of the following chunks, you will need to ensure the V coordinates are correctly flipped:

Hi yaustar, thank you for your fast reply. It are the textures themselves.
Is there a way to batch this and do all the textures at once?


Yeah, you can select all the textures in one go via the method posted here: Texture changes in PlayCanvas - #3 by yaustar