[SOLVED] What happened to the Legacy Physics option in Editor?

Can you get the pc/laptop model number, browser version and OS on the machines that are failing?

Do some of the failing machines also have touch screens? I vaguely remember some issues around mouse and touch events on those configs.

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I’ve been trying but no joy yet.

The touch/mouse combo is and interesting thought. I haven’t tested on such a machine. If the browsers handle the touch/mouse priorities differently then maybe that could explain things?

That was it. Nothing to do with collisions etc. The machines having the problem had both touch screen and mouse capabilities. The touch capabilities were set up in an “if/else” scenario. So if touch was detected, mouse inputs were not enabled. It should have been a simple “if” since touch devices are tolerant of mouse inputs because they typically (always?) default to translating/emulating touch inputs as mouse inputs. You still need the “if” for the touch to prevent kicking out an error on machines that do not have touch capabilities

I duplicated and fixed the problem at home using my wife’s thin HP with touch and the user with the problem confirms that the problem is now fixed.

Not good

    if (this.app.touch) {
        this.app.touch.on(pc.EVENT_TOUCHSTART, this.touchStart, this);
        // Add a mousedown and mousemove event handler
        this.app.mouse.on(pc.EVENT_MOUSEDOWN, this.mouseDown, this); 
        this.app.mouse.on(pc.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE, this.mouseMove,this);        


    if (this.app.touch) {
        this.app.touch.on(pc.EVENT_TOUCHSTART, this.touchStart, this);
        // Add a mousedown and mousemove event handler
        this.app.mouse.on(pc.EVENT_MOUSEDOWN, this.mouseDown, this); 
        this.app.mouse.on(pc.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE, this.mouseMove,this);