[SOLVED]Rotation over 360 to a specific point of one axis

hello Im trying to make a game where you spin a wheel and wait till it stops and show you a result like Wheel of Fortune or Spin of the day game type.

my issue that i have to deal with degrees over 360 and euler angles doesnt support it.
how can i rotate my wheel to degrees like 1750, i want the wheel to spin couples of times then stop on a specific degree in a particular time.

Now is that the tween makes the shortest way.

any solutions?

WheelSpinner.prototype.StartSpin = function(_winningItem, spinTime, anglePerItem) 
    if (_winningItem <= this.prize.length)
            var currentAngle = this.entity.getLocalEulerAngles().y;
            var targetAngle = _winningItem * anglePerItem + (this.spinTime * 360  - currentAngle);

WheelSpinner.prototype.WheelSpinner = function(targetAngle) 
    spinning = true;
   var tween = this.entity.tween(this.entity.getLocalRotation()).rotate(new pc.Vec3(0,targetAngle, 0), 
 this.spinTime, pc.Linear);
    spinning = false;

I would ‘manually’ tween the rotation value as shown in this thread: 2d Physics Rotation

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so i manged and found a solution by tweening a value and then assign it to the entity by setLocalEulerAngles in Update.

var WheelSpinner = pc.createScript('wheelSpinner');

WheelSpinner.attributes.add("prize",{type:"number",array: true});

// initialize code called once per entity
WheelSpinner.prototype.initialize = function() 
    this.spinTime = 4;
    this.isTweening = false;
    this.anglePerItem = 360/this.prize.length; 
    this.curve = this.animationCurve;
    this.deltaTime = 0;
    this.tweenValue = {value:0};

// update code called every frame
WheelSpinner.prototype.update = function(dt) 
    if(this.isTweening === true)
        this.entity.setLocalEulerAngles(0, this.tweenValue.value ,0);
    //console.log(this.entity.getLocalEulerAngles().x + " " + this.entity.getLocalEulerAngles().y + " " + this.entity.getLocalEulerAngles().z);

WheelSpinner.prototype.GetWinningItem = function(winPrize)
    var indexesArray = [];
    var stopIndex = 0;
    for(var i = 0;i<this.prize.length; i++)
            if(winPrize == this.prize[i])
    if(indexesArray.length > 1)
            stopIndex = indexesArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * (indexesArray.length))];
            stopIndex = indexesArray[0];

WheelSpinner.prototype.StartSpin = function(_winningItem, spinTime, anglePerItem) 
    if (_winningItem <= this.prize.length)
            var currentAngle = this.entity.getLocalEulerAngles().y;
            this.tweenValue.value = currentAngle;
            var targetAngle = _winningItem * anglePerItem + (this.spinTime * 360 * this.spinDirection);// + anglePerItem * 0.35

WheelSpinner.prototype.WheelSpinner = function(targetAngle) 
    var tween = this.entity.tween(this.tweenValue).to({value: targetAngle}, this.spinTime, pc.SineOut);    
    this.isTweening = true;

WheelSpinner.prototype.EndOfSpin = function()
    console.log("spinDone  " + this.tweenValue.value);
    this.isTweening = false;