[SOLVED] How to stop sine effect on click?

Hello, I am a new coder and I have forked Flappy Bird from @Will and I have made it more like the original game. However I am stuck on how to stop a sine effect when you click to trigger another event

This is the sine code:

var Sine = pc.createScript('sine');

Sine.attributes.add('amplitudeScale', { type: 'number', default: 1 });
Sine.attributes.add('frequencyScale', { type: 'number', default: 1 });

Is there anyway to stop this when you click? Sorry if this is a stupid question. Any help is appreciated :smiley:

You could do it like this:

var Sine = pc.createScript('sine');

Sine.attributes.add('amplitudeScale', { type: 'number', default: 1 });
Sine.attributes.add('frequencyScale', { type: 'number', default: 1 });

// initialize code called once per entity
Sine.prototype.initialize = function() {
    this.timer = 0;
    this.sineActive = true;
    this.app.on('EVENT', function() {
        this.sineActive = false;
    }, this);

// update code called every frame
Sine.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    if(this.sineActive) {
        dt *= this.frequencyScale;
        this.timer += dt;
        this.entity.setLocalPosition(0, Math.sin(this.timer) * this.amplitudeScale, 0);

You just need to replace “EVENT” with the actual event you want to listen to.

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thank you! it works now :slight_smile: