Ah, good to know. Then why you can jump when you are in the air?
because at the peak the velocity is 0 which is less then 0.1
the peak is the top of the arch
to make it impossible to jump at the peak is to change the linearVelocity.y < 0.001
for some reason this value is so low that even with the ispressed variant you can’t jump at the peak
I think this is because there is no frame where linearVelocity is less than 0.001
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So you have to use isPressed
because the chance that you can jump is nil otherwise?
no you can still use the wasPressed variant i just said that the number is so low that it you can use the isPressed variant and still can’t jump in the middle of the air
Okay, I get it, so the value is high enough to jump when you are on ground.