[SOLVED] How do I make a gun shoot, reload, and show magazine

This line in your bullet.js script moves your bullet. You can make the value 0.2 a little bit higher to let the bullet move faster. But if that bullet moves to fast, the collision check is less secure and probably miss a collision.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Getting toString error on keyboard isPressed

like how fast?

just paste the code down here for him.

like logic

Edit by @yaustar Please don’t use excessive punctuation.

I don’t understand your message @Jesse_Gagne. Who are you talking to? Which code? Who is him?

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well you could go further and draw a raycast between frames so no matter how fast it will detect the collision, just a bit more code

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That’s right @Gavin_Durbin, but this was an easy way to fire a bullet to get @thebosser24 started. I think this topic can be closed for now.