[SOLVED] Help with virtual joystick

Hey @eproasim,
After some few hours trying to figure out how it works (I’m pretty much new to playcanvas so somethings can be a headache) I actually managed to do it, however the knob moves in a rectangular way rather than respecting the circular boundary (extreme diagonal movements go off the circle)

Here’s how I’m currently doing it:

var DragscriptNew = pc.createScript('dragscriptNew');

DragscriptNew.attributes.add('handle', {
    type: 'entity',
    title: 'handle',

DragscriptNew.attributes.add('bg', {
    type: 'entity',
    title: 'handle background'
// initialize code called once per entity
DragscriptNew.prototype.postInitialize = function() {
     var app = this.app;
     var self = this;    
     var hnd = this.handle; 
     var localBg = this.bg;   
     var localBgPos = this.bg.getLocalPosition().clone();
     var originalPosition = hnd.getLocalPosition().clone();     
     this.handleDragHelper = new pc.ElementDragHelper(this.handle.element);

     self.handleDragHelper.on('drag:move', function(pos){
         self.handleDragHelper._deltaHandlePosition.y = pc.math.clamp(self.handleDragHelper._deltaHandlePosition.y,
                                                                      originalPosition.y - localBg.element.height / 2,
                                                                      originalPosition.y + localBg.element.height / 2);
         self.handleDragHelper._deltaHandlePosition.x = pc.math.clamp(self.handleDragHelper._deltaHandlePosition.x,
                                                                      originalPosition.x - localBg.element.width / 2,
                                                                      originalPosition.x + localBg.element.width / 2);
     self.handleDragHelper.on('drag:end', function(pos){

Any ideas how to make it a round movement rather than rectangular?