[SOLVED] Erratic Behaviour Of Sound Entity

Launch - PlayCanvas | HTML5 Game Engine
Editor - PlayCanvas | HTML5 Game Engine

Hey everyone,

For some reason, despite the sound entity being set to auto play, it only starts playing when I click the page, or press a key, i.e after some sort of interaction. Is this expected, or is it a problem? My sound setup(The sound entity is called MMSound) -

Expected behaviour due to browsers https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/f0uxtt/audio_autoplay_prevented_without_user_interaction/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body

Ah, that makes more sense, thanks @yaustar. Will this still persist if I convert my game into an executable using https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdeveloper/2016/02/17/building-a-great-hosted-web-app/?

Probably not but it’s not something I’ve tried. Should be easy to quickly test though.

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Ok, thanks a lot for the quick reply.