[SOLVED] Conditional User Interface Pop-up Message

I’m looking for where you put the this.app.assets.find(...)

Try to understand the code line by line and what it does. The line line you are searching for is broken into 2:

var assets = this.app.assets;
popup1.innerHTML = assets.find('popup-1').resource;

try app.assets.get(id).resource example id(12453)

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Thank you to whoever went in and changed stuff manually on the editor <3

I’m trying to understand what you did, though. So, if you can walk me through the code you added and what elements it’s attached to I’d appreciate it.

Also, I would like for the text "Press X to enter Lorenz Motors dronecar" to be a bit less bold and centered towards the bottom with a smaller font size.

After these steps I will start a new thread for switching between camera angles after pressing x :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope someone can help me out.

You can change the position of the text by changing the value of the top property on the style sheet to for example 75%. Then the text will be lower on your screen.

I can’t find where currently your font style is set. I think a default style is used, so in that case you can add some font properties to be able to change the font.


Thank you!! I figured it out lol thanks for your help :))<3

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