[SOLVED] Camera object set to null?

I find a cube, change its color, move them with tween, then I run the onSelect function. Want me to add the whole script?


Sorry, I meant that I make the bool true that allows the code in onSelect to run because I dont want picking before the cubes have changed color and moved. I dont call it anywhere

Just to be sure, could you try to replace in the onSelect function




and see if you get the same error?

Hi @aperez440,

I forked your project, and cleared any errors I had in my fork by importing Ammo physics:


Could you take a look here and tell me where your additional problems are so I can have a look?

@Albertos After making that change that fixed the issue. Once I uploaded Ammo physics as @eproasim suggested, everything has worked as intended. What an odd issue.

Sorry, I like to know if the reason of the error is the attribute or Ammo?


Glad to know it’s working for you now. Are you coming to Playcanvas form Unity?

No the ammo error only came up after the changes to the camera

Yeah, I have a couple years in Unity so its a little confusing. Its similar but different enough that I’m still having some growing pains

Totally understand! I only asked, because I saw a number of Unityisms in your code. It’s a change, but you’ll pick it up in no time.

I appreciate the encouragement and the help.

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