[SOLVED] Camera bobbing up and down

its workin just gotta find the correct values and I should be good! Thanks!


it no work

Reading back I indeed think it need some modification to make it work. What is your result so far?

I tried it, but it didn’t work as expected. Below a project that another user made. I hope this is the effect you are looking for. I think it’s a really cool effect!


I took a look at it, I dont have a camer holder nor do I want one, so how I get it to work?


Probably not?

I do not know what camera holder does

It’s probably just an empty entity that is needed to create the bobbing effect you try to achieve.

I added it but it still know work, it also mess up when I look down

If you want to achieve something, you have to put in some effort. Nothing works out of the box.