Scripts not working right

Why you can’t test it out yourself?

No I’m on my Chromebook I’m not at home and i’m trying to really work on it

You have 464 scripts in your project and I’m afraid many of them are not written correctly and are causing some errors. You first need to learn how to code correctly and avoid creating unnecessary scripts. You also need to free some space, because you are over your space limit.

When I tested my game before I changed the scripts into beforeEngine my scripts worked perfect. I see the problem now and it was due to me changing them from asset and I see it because my code uses the " asset.type !== "text" &&" command.

Your scripts can’t work perfect, because they aren’t written correctly.

For example, where is the initialize function where the red line below should be in?

A good way to start, is to read the page below carefully.

That’s weird. I know how to code. I believe my scripts have gotten CORRUPTED then because I do know how code, I’ll fix it. Thank you !

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Are all my scripts miscoding ? :sweat_smile: