Script 'XXX' is not found,awaiting it to be added to registry? Does anyone know what is this mean?

script ‘XXX’ is not found,awaiting it to be added to registry? Does anyone know what is this mean?

Can you share the project please?

I encapsulated __game-scripts.js,i got some warning " [Script ‘XXX’ is not found,awaiting it to be added to registry]" and one error: “Cannot read property ‘setValue’ of undefined”,it seems i don’t have Ammo in the code i packaged.

What do you mean by encapsulated? At a guess, it sounds like that the game scripts aren’t being loaded before the scene is.

It means that you have an entity with a Script Component, which points to a missing script. You probably removed or renamed it at some point. Find the entity that was using it and remove it from the component.