Rotating a rigidbody smoothly with no dampening on the Yaw and the Pitch but not the Roll

Rotating a rigidbody smoothly with no dampening on the Yaw and the Pitch but not the Roll.

So the Yaw and the Pitch would simulate almost a FPS feel but the roll would feel dynamic and cool

I was able to do this using tools like UE4 fairly straight forward since their rotation also affects the rigidbody’s somehow dynamically. and then just make separate controls for the roll using torque.

I was thinking of setting the angularVelocity for the yaw, and the pitch but not really wrapping my mind around it too well. But from this documentation I extracted it looks like they are getting the objects up vector to determine the angVel for the Yaw i believe and multiplying it to their axis value ( i’m sure i could put in a multiplier of my own making here) and the plugging it into their node that allows for the adding of the current angVel that the object already has.

And like I said, trying to wrap my mind around this got me even more confused, so thought I’d come here for some advice.

Here’s a link to the original article too :