Resolution tool

I made this tool as I was thinking if I could make a pixelated effect without having to use post effect and use more CPU.

It also kinda help hack the FPS system of playCanvas to achieve a low frame rate feel if needed.

Just download the script and attach it to anything in the scene so you can play with the settings.

[Link to github]

Very nice! Looking at it, instead of patching the requestAnimationFrame, you could disable autoRender and only render every X ms. That way you can have the full 60 FPS for simulation, input handling etc but make it look like a low frame rate.

Thanks for the suggestion!
Done! :grin: :+1:

Is this code still here?

If you had bothered to read the repository commit history, you would have noticed a commit stating the renaming and relocation of the file:

Mentioned Commit
