Quick Camera question

It is saying that this._create camera isnt a command

  // If a camera isn't assigned from the Editor, create one
    if (!this.camera) {

    var force = this.force;
    var app = this.app;

    // Get camera directions to determine movement directions
    var forward = this.camera.forward;
    var right = this.camera.right;

    // movement
    var x = 0;
    var z = 0;

Does your script have a _createCamera function declared somewhere?

ill check, but i have had this script for a while this problem came from no where

so part of the script is waaaaay after the 'This._CreateCamera

Movement.prototype._createCamera = function () {
    // If user hasn't assigned a camera, create a new one
    this.camera = new pc.Entity();
    this.camera.setName("First Person Camera");
    this.camera.translateLocal(0, 0.5, 0);

Can you post a link to your project?


Looks like your function _createCamera starts with an underscore, however, the createCamera()
function being called inside your Movement.js update function doesn’t have an underscore. Make sure both function names are exactly the same. Also, I noticed that your account is over its disk allowance limit, I’m not sure if this causes issues when saving scripts/assets.

it hasn’t proved an issue yet but i mightve changed it earlier

@Devortel it shows that both have an underscore
the error says
this._createCamera is not a function

This if statement is outside your update() function.

if (!this.camera) {

Check the curly braces and fix your update() function so that you’re not closing it too early.

whats a curly brance? is it this? {} or this ()

These ones: {}

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this is the one outside of my update function, i don’t see whats wrong

Movement.prototype._createCamera = function () {
    // If user hasn't assigned a camera, create a new one
    this.camera = new pc.Entity();
    this.camera.setName("First Person Camera");
    this.camera.translateLocal(0, 0.5, 0);

Your problem is that your Movement.js update function ends on line 105, but you’re trying to call this._createCamera(); on line 110 which is outside of the update() function.

so do i move the whole thing up a few lines?

At least move this statement inside the update() function:

if (!this.camera) {

You have a lot more code outside the update() function as well.

so do i move my movement into the update function as well?

That part is up to you, but I’d say yes, you probably should.

i moved the camera and im getting all sorts of errors

That code has probably been sitting there, inactive for a while. I’d say comment it out for now and see if the original _createCamera() error is gone.