Question: Can i use ```this.scale``` to shrink health bar?

Yes thank you thank you thank you i didnt think of that :thinking: also i have a rotation code on the game for the enemy health so if you are standing behind so enemy you can see their health but when you try to do it through main menu the code doesnt work outdside that scene :frowning:

@Mal_Duffin also i have a question (Again) I am having problems with rotating my weapon when i click down here ill show my code then explain what im trying to do:

var rotate = new pc.Vec3().copy(this.weaponEntity.getEulerAngles());
if ( {
    this.weaponEntity.rotate(-90, 0, -90);
} else {
    this.weaponEntity.rotate(0, 90, 0);

says getEulerAngles is undefined :frowning: i also tryed getRotation
EDIT: ok so i made a new weapon script to do this which i got it to work but it goes all jittery and when you click down instead of going to set rotation it goes to a random rotation each time here is my code for that:

 var rotate = new pc.Vec3().copy(this.weaponEntity.getRotation());
    if ( {
    this.weaponEntity.rotate(-90, 0, -90);
} else {
    this.weaponEntity.rotate(0, 90, 0);

i dont see why it messes up
Ok so i figured it out more or less but now it disappears here is this code @Mal_Duffin :

 var weaponEntity = new pc.Vec3().copy(this.weaponEntity.getLocalRotation());
    if ( {
    this.weaponEntity.setLocalRotation(-90, 0, -90);
} else {
    this.weaponEntity.setLocalRotation(0, 90, 0);

Let me know what you think please