Progress Bar Coin

I want to increase the progress bar by collecting gold, slow it down how can I do it?

var ProgressBar = pc.createScript('progressBar');

// The entity that shows the fill image 
ProgressBar.attributes.add('progressImage', {type: 'entity'});
// The maximum width of the fill image
ProgressBar.attributes.add('progressImageMaxWidth', {type: 'number'});

ProgressBar.prototype.initialize = function() {
        this.sphere ='Player');

    // initialize progress to 0
    // if true the progress bar will increase 
    // otherwise it will decrease in update
    this.increase = true;        

// Set progress - value is between 0 and 1
ProgressBar.prototype.setProgress = function (value) {    
    // clamp value between 0 and 1
    value = pc.math.clamp(value, 0, 50);
    this.progress = value;
    // find the desired width of our progress fill image
    var width = pc.math.lerp(0, this.progressImageMaxWidth, value);
    // set the width of the fill image element
    this.progressImage.element.width = width;
    // Set the width of the element's rect (rect.z) to be the same
    // value as our 0-1 progress.
    // This is so that the fill image will only show the portion
    // of the texture that is visible
    this.progressImage.element.rect.z = value;
    // force rect update
    this.progressImage.element.rect = this.progressImage.element.rect;

// Increase or decrease the progress automatically
ProgressBar.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    var diff = this.increase ? dt : -dt;
    this.setProgress(this.progress + diff);
    if ( >= 25)
        this.increase = false;
    else if ( <= 0)
        this.increase = true;

Hi @Ozden_Delibas!

Your question is not clear, can you rephrase it please?

I want the progress bar to fill up by collecting the gold item and then I want it to empty when I use the gold

What is the current result? Which part is not working as expected?

I don’t want the progress bar to fill up by itself, I want it to fill up by collecting gold in the game

You have to execute this part when you collect the gold, so you have to remove it from the update function.

Can you show me with the code that I couldn’t do it?

ProgressBar.prototype.update = function(dt) {

    var diff = this.increase ? dt : -dt;

    this.setProgress(this.progress +;


    if ( >= 25)


        this.increase = false;


    else if ( <= 1)


        this.increase = true;


is this the way

Where do you add the gold? At that point you also need to update the progress bar.