Playcanvas not filling window on iOS when orientation changes?

I’m going to try to reproduce this in a iPad simulator as I have no access to the actual device.

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Another member of our team is unable to reproduce this with this project

On iOS 14 (iPad) with Chrome or Safari :confused:

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Thanks for having them give it a shot, and yeah not sure, had a team member on my side test with a different iPad pro with no issue, as well as another team member who was able to replicate the issue on their ipad. I may have mentioned this above somewhere but uninstalling/reinstalling chrome does seem to fix it for a bit, but it ended up coming back for mine. Safari has never had the issue for me, just chrome. Seems like it’s some weird bug with iOS/Safari

Just Chrome has this issue on iOS? That’s really odd.

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Yep, just chrome. Another odd thing for iPad Safari vs Chrome is that the VR.display used for magic window that gives my app the pose information it needs to rotate the camera via device orientation shows up null in safari (and no device panning as a result), but it shows up valid in chrome and let’s you pan.

Edit: ah oops I said ‘seems like some weird bug with ios/safari, meant ios/chrome’ it’s early lol

WebXR or WebVR?

WebVR/Polyfill, I guess WebXR is worth a shot, I figured if it’s iOS it wouldn’t be supported

Looks like after uninstalling/reinstalling chrome, it works no matter how many times you refresh (via refresh button or by navigating via url bar), but once the app is closed even once, it stops working. EVEN if you reinstall the browser, close the browser without navigating to my site, then open it back up again and navigate to my site, it will be borked.

Not sure what Chrome on Ipad is doing 0.o