Playcanvas Lightmap Baking 3ds / Vray Example

I’ve got the 30 day trials of 3ds max / Vray so that I can try to recreate this demo scene: Lightmapping | Learn PlayCanvas

Wanted to ask the Playcanvas devs if they still have the .max project for that example scene and if they would be willing to share it so that we could learn from the light and render settings?

Otherwise if anyone knows of any Vray templates that I could use to try to get a similar scene I would be grateful!

So, the lightmapping manual page with the 3ds max guide is quite precise. You can easily get to render lightmaps (and other kinds of maps like occlusion maps), if you manage to get comfortable with the 3ds max render to texture dialog.

For that .max file, not sure who may know, calling @will and @moka.