PlayCanvas Editor Feedback

Hello, the collision -> mesh is not working :frowning: .

There’s a slight difference between editor and game when it comes to opacity.

In the editor it looks like:

And in the game engine:

Also: with additive alpha, the internal part disappears from both.

Looks like something has broken in the Bloom effect? Or something is up with my project.

Seems to happen since the update today:

Hmm, yes. Looks like it’s not initializing the script attributes properly. I’m taking a look.

UPDATE: Fixed and deployed, should be working now.

It’s not something as obvious as the difference between the background color?

Any ideas? @mr_f

Thanks :smile:!

Quite a lot of my project broke with the update - I notice that the method I used to initialize early Javascript functions no longer works. Would be really good to be able to get either a way of running code on startup without the need to create a “script” per se or to be able to specify files to be loaded before any of the other scripts are executed.

For instance my pc.script.create(‘xxx’, function(uuu) {}) now runs before all of my JS is loaded. I’ve got a workaround - but I have a function I would prefer to execute inside that script around my script constructor to create a state machine. This no longer works so I’ve bodged it together by screwing with proto but ugly hack.

Before it looked like var MyScript = pc.createStateMachine(function MyScriptConstructor(entity) {});

But that no longer works as the pc.extend isn’t running before the call back to execute the pc.script.create.

I’ve changed it to using a similar background color and the problem persists.
Hmm, it changes with what I have selected as well. It I have the object selected it doesn’t have the middle bit, if I don’t have it selected, then it does have the middle bit. Weird. Are you optimizing the opacity when an object isn’t selected?

ON a more general note, I’m not sure that additive alpha is correct. If I have an additive-alpha material with the colour:

Now if I have two objects, one behind the other, then the colors should add and become:
R: 1
B: 1
G: 0.5

But both the overlapping and non-overlapping bits are both the original material color. Overlaying two additive alpha objects doesn’t add the colors.
Or am I misunderstanding Additive Alpha?

Can you post some screenshots? Because it works for me: (added you)

I had a look and went:
‘It works for you and that’s not fair’

Is there something you have to change in the project settings? It seems that in your project creating a new material and enabling additive alpha makes it … additive alpha, but in my project it doesn’t.

Have a look at this project:
(I think I’ve given Mr_F write access)

Disable material depth write in “other” section. Otherwise your nearest cube was blended on top of the background, but farthest was first occluded by nearest’s depth, and then also blended, and blend between cubes didn’t happen due to occlusion treating objects as opaque.

Yup, that works.

You may want to add a note about that in the additive alpha panel. Because I would never have tried that. (Is it documented anywhere?)

Would be absolutely amazing if access to the scripts and script editor was possible from within the editor. (Without opening a new window).

What is the biggest reason you want them in the same window?
I can only find limitation having in same window, rather improvements, except for editing shader code for example.

workflow for scripts is a bit awkward. say I want to edit a script, I have to

-change tab to script editor, edit, save
-go to the designer tab, press reload script
-go to the live tab, reload

Or am I doing it wrong?

In the Editor you only need refresh the script if you’ve changed or added a script attribute. So you can probably drop the second step.

And we will be able to refresh attributes automatically in the future.

But live reloading of scrips in game - unfortunately indeed, currently there is no life reloading of scripts.
We are thinking of something that will allow people to have live reloading of scripts, but that requires to write destroy handler in script, to make sure once script is destroyed it will unsubscribe and destroy all events and data to make sure it is cleanly destroyed.

Once that in place, we will be able to make auto-reload of scripts without reloading the launched game.

Please make it usable for me , I only have one arm can’t use mouse and keyboard at same time, so to me at the moment its pretty useless, sorry

Just tried this, been using Unity for the last 5 years, a lot of similarities, love the clean look of the UI. Biggest thing and advantage over Unity is becoming the google docs of game dev and your almost there by allowing simultaneous editing in the scene but why not allow that while editing code too .

Also while collaborating why not click on the collaborators icon to chat?

Great to hear.

Collaborative code editing is coming soon. We’ve thought about Chat, but for now there are lots of alternatives (like skype, slack, etc), so it’s not quite a priority. :slight_smile:


You can do most things in PlayCanvas using one hand and a mouse with 3 buttons. There are toolbar buttons for almost every function. One thing you can’t do is use the fly camera which works with a combination of WASD and right mouse button. So we can improve that. An alternative to the fly camera is to select an Entity and click on the Frame Selection button which will focus the camera on that object. Then with the mouse wheel you can zoom in / out and by dragging with the left mouse button down you can rotate around the object.