(PAID) Looking for developer to help with a product configurator

Hello all, I am looking for a playcanvas developer for a fairly straight forward product configurator with a simple external html ui. Simple things like loading external models (either json or obj or whatever is the best solution) and material applications. I will set up a “Master” scene with all the materials and the main model and will then need to load in the self hosted models on demand. Please message me here on the forum if interested and we can discuss further via email. This is a paying job although I believe it to be a fairly small job.

Thanks in advance

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Hi toad32,

I’m developing (html,css,webgl) this: http://www.usail.it/configuratore-3D/

Do you mean something like that? If yes, you can send me a private message.

Have a good day,

zacx85 / very interesting stuff!!! can we work something together with Playcanvas?
if you are interested in, please email me.

Best regards