Need help with pc.Picker

Thanks for your insight.

I have played a bit with the position of the model so that its bottom is sitting on y0. I guess my problem isn’t that the object does not appear “anchored” to the ground.

When you place an object it does seem like it is anchored to the ground, and when you “look” at the object with your camera you can view it from different angles and it works quite well.

The issue is that when I drastically move the camera far away from the object/s and then move it back, the objects appear to be dislocated, e.g. the “live” somewhere else than their original “anchor point”.

I’m testing this on the project from the 8th Wall Library:

  • When I point my camera to my desk and plant the trees, everything is fine. I can even move the camera a bit and the trees seem to always “live” in their original “anchor point”.

  • When I pan my camera back and forth, however, the trees will change their “anchor point” vs where I placed them originally. So, I may have planted them all on my desk, but after few camera pans, they would then “live” under my desk or on my window. It seems like they don’t “remember” their original location or if they do, it is not that accurate when the camera moves drastically.

Now, having said the above, this is not to point fingers or criticize the engine in any way. It’s just that I don’t have any experience either with “ARCore” nor any of the web’s AR engines so I don’t know what expectations to set.

I have any been able to read on AR core a bit here but I don’t have any way to actually experience and evaluate ARCore vs the web.

I guess what I’m asking/wondering is to what expectations should I set on web XR experience.


I just got to test: on a newer phone (huawei p20) and this is the experience that I am looking for. You can wave your phone around frantically and the objects will still stay where they are. I understand that this comes at a cost of not being compatible witholder devices, though :frowning: