Need Help With FPS Game

I am a map builder/designer and I want to make an fps parkour game. I need someone to help with the coding.

Ill look at this post tomorrow, but you can still post now if you are interested

hello, i would like to help with an fps

Hello @BleachDev.

I am creating a FPS game similiar to CSGO and I am looking for a builder DM me on discord frags#5454 for inquiries

Maybe you can help with my battle royale map I’m looking for a coder too maybe we can make a creative too and put your parkour on the game mode.

@projectvexxed, Im making a cs:go like game to, my playcanvas account is oofin, and im working on the project, comment on one of the posts for my game that you would like to help and ill add you. p.s, the game is called CS:GO

I could help you how much are you willing to play P.S. I use Unity 3D

Also email me at

did you mean pay?