Need help to setup PlayCanvas-Sync

@Detzt Just to let you know that I haven’t forgotten about this. I’ve been caught up with another issue but should be able to look at this today

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No worries, I actually expected this to take a lot longer based on my experiences with Microsoft, Unity, and other big companies. But then I remembered the PlayCanvas team is better and faster in this regard :blush:
Nonetheless, thank you for keeping me updated, I appreciate that.


I’ve tried this on Windows and it looks like pcsync doens’t pick up changes in my target folder at all :thinking:

In your case, could you add


to your .pcconfig please and that should give us a bit more information to the output.

I speak to the developer that works on this to see if they have any ideas.

Edit: Our developer will investigate this when they have finished their current tasks which could be a little while. It’s something to do with how Windows handles file read/writes. For the moment, please use push/pull.

Did you mean pcwatch or is pcsync also not working for you?

The output with PLAYCANVAS_VERBOSE is basically the content of the config files:

$ pcwatch
PLAYCANVAS_API_KEY: abcdefghilklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456
PLAYCANVAS_BRANCH_ID: abcdef12-3456-789a-bcde-f123456789ab
PLAYCANVAS_TARGET_DIR: D:/Documents/Programming/PlayCanvas
PLAYCANVAS_BAD_FILE_REG: /^\.|~$|tsconfig.json/

If I have a changed file it additionally prints

---- Files that Differ ----
Fatal Error: Differences found between local and remote. Use 'pcsync' to fix or use '--force' to skip this check

But pcsync push/pull is working fine so far and I’ve managed to set up TypeScript in the meantime :slight_smile:

Ah, good catch. I meant pcwatch :sweat_smile:

Hi, @zpaul :smiley:,after the same setup,I have this issue:

Do you know what I am missing?

Could you maybe put both pcsync and your target directory into (separate) directories whose paths do not have spaces

You may want to hide your API key as that means anyone can ‘login’ as you.


Thanks for the mention :joy:

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We are going to have to delete the post as people can see the post history :slight_smile:

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@zpaul Thanks for your reply :smiley:, but it seems the problem still exists,and here is my setup:

I am wondering if I made some mistake when installing the pcsync :thinking:

Your setup looks correct. It could be some general Windows issue. I’ll investigate on my own windows machine and let you know.

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One thing you can try in the meantime is to use backslashes in the config file when you specify your target directory

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@zpaul I finally found the problem,it really has something to do with the slashes :joy: Thanks so much! now I can push and pull correctly.
But there is another problem,the pcwatch command is not working,it says started and after I modified my files,nothing happend.Do you know what’s going on?where can I find the log file or something?

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I’m glad you got pcsync push/pull to work. We’ve heard of pcwatch not working on Windows, I’m planning to investigate that soon. In the meantime, I hope you can still edit your files locally and upload them to PlayCanvas using pcsync push.

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The new version is working on Windows, thank you!

However, it takes about 30 seconds until it notices a change and uploads it. Is this normal?