Near Geometry Mixing Triangles from Distance

Hi everyone, I’m doing some “big” landscape and need to be able to see the entire map. The problem is that the blocks and street geometry are separated, only 15cm that is the height of the blocks. When I look it to far away they start to mix like they were in the same place.
Is there a way to avoid this or the only way is to increase the space from each other?
Here is a screenshot to see from a near and a far distance

Thnks for your time guys!

Looks like your far clip and near clip difference is too large. You will need to reduce it down or increase the distance between the two meshes

There’s a name for this that escapes me. The difference between the clips is divided by a fix number to represent the different levels of depth in the depth buffer.

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There’s a name for this that escapes me. The difference between the clips is divided by a fix number to represent the different levels of depth in the depth buffer.


The bane of close quarter polygons everywhere

I thought there was another name for the z buffer resolution relationship with the clip planes :thinking:

Actually changing the near clip plane did its magic and now it works fine.

Thank you very much!