[SOLVED] Make an entity point to another entity?

I want a box to point to my player but when I made the code it did not work. Can anybody help?

var EnemyLookAt = pc.createScript('enemyLookAt');

EnemyLookAt.attributes.add('Player', {type : 'entity'});

// initialize code called once per entity

EnemyLookAt.prototype.initialize = function() {


// update code called every frame

EnemyLookAt.prototype.update = function(dt) {



Hi @PhilipJeffrey!

For lookAt you need to use a position, so it should be something like below.


Check also my topic about lookAt.


It didn’t seem to work, huh? Do you know why?

Can you tell what happend instead?

Here is the updated code:

var EnemyLookAt = pc.createScript('enemyLookAt');

EnemyLookAt.attributes.add('Player', {type : 'entity'});

// initialize code called once per entity

EnemyLookAt.prototype.initialize = function() {


// update code called every frame

EnemyLookAt.prototype.update = function(dt) {



It did not point to the player.

What does it do instead?

It did not point to the player

Sorry, I can’t help you if you don’t provide enough information. I suggest to check the topic I shared in my first reply. Please also note that lookAt doesn’t work with a dynamic rigidbody.

The box is connected to a model do you think that would be the case?

Can you share an editor link of your project please?

Yes : )

Here it is. PlayCanvas | HTML5 Game Engine

Oh wait I figured it out! Thanks for the help!

Great! Can you share your solution for others?