Ludum Dare 29 starts tonight!

Ludum Dare 29 is this weekend.

The world renowned 48 hour game jam starts tonight, the theme is announced at 1am UTC, and you have 48 hours to create a game from scratch.

PlayCanvas Deal

PlayCanvas is offering a FREE Pro account (worth $180) to every user who submits a game to Ludum Dare using PlayCanvas. After the event email support@playcanvas with a link to your LD game and your PlayCanvas username to get your credit.

Post your WIP

If you are entering, please post any progress and updates over the weekend to this thread.

I’m in! And I’ll spend the weekend in the IRC channel in case anyone needs a virtual hug (or, y’know, to ask a question) during all the craziness.

I completed my game for Ludum Dare.

It’s a bit of an obscure one, you need to program CPUs in javascript on a deep-space probe.

It’s called They Launched a Probe!

So, you program your probe in Javascript, and the aim is to reach a planet and scan it to increase Science. If you’re familiar with PlayCanvas at least the Vector API will be familiar. The rest of the instructions for programming are here:

I think it’s quite good fun, sadly I didn’t have time to put in enemy probes.

Also this post shows of the new embedding of PlayCanvas games in the forum :smiley:. Just make sure you’ve added a project image

I also submitted a game. It’s called Pipe Wars:

Flappy Bird is stealing Mario’s pipes. This means war! In response, Mario has torpedoed Flappy Bird’s supply ship. Salvage all 10 pipes to give Mario back his mojo.

  • Use the arrow keys to move.
  • A and Z to surface/dive.
  • Space to grapple or release pipes.

On the whole, I’m pretty happy with how this turned out. The PlayCanvas physics engine performed really well! I created a terrain in 3DS Max using a heightmap and a Displace modifier. I generated a collision mesh at half resolution of the graphical mesh. I modelled everything (pipe, sub, refuel station and drop off zone) and I think I’m actually getting not too bad in Max now!!!

Hope you like it!