Light setup for a glossiness

I’m having trouble trying to reproduce this image

I added all the lights but it looks the same?

Okay, I think I see the issue you have in this separate project:

I’m unsure on why you need code for this as you can set the glossiness factor to 0 on the material that doesn’t have a glossiness texture on it.

But to answer your question directly, I’ve added the code to the above project so it does it at runtime:

// initialize code called once per entity
SetGlossinessTo0WhenNoTexture.prototype.initialize = function() {
    if (this.entity.render) {
        const materialAssets = this.entity.render.materialAssets;
        for (let i = 0; i < materialAssets.length; ++i) {
            let asset = materialAssets[i];

            // Workaround if the materialAssets are asset ids
            if (typeof(asset) === 'number') {
                asset =;

            /** @type {pc.StandardMaterial} */
            const material = asset.resource;
            if (!material.glossMap) {
                material.shininess = 0;

Hey ! It’s exactly what i want thansk a lot!

Finally I succeeded with my own script, I also put my solution.

var LoadRectoGloss = pc.createScript('loadRectoGloss');
LoadRectoGloss.attributes.add('loadingScreenEntitysa', { type: 'entity' });

// initialize code called once per entity
LoadRectoGloss.prototype.initialize = function () {, "texture", function (err, asset) {

        var recto = this.entity.render.meshInstances[1].material;
        recto.glossMap = asset.resource;


          recto.shininess = 80; 
          recto.shininess = 0; 



// update code called every frame
LoadRectoGloss.prototype.getFileFromUser = function (dt) {
     return "/random_img";

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A little question about the script order , if i’m loading glossiness with the function LoadFromUrl() , i have to do something special witht the script loading order? because i got some problem with loading glossiness with a script.

When i set it on the editor it works like a charm.

There is your forked project with my scripts : PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine

Scripting order shouldn’t matter, no.

If you have an issue with your scripts that aren’t related to the light setup, please post a new thread with an example project and the steps to reproduce the issue.

Ok thanks!