Learning resources

I am new to webgl programming and trying to learn playcanvas but there aren’t many resources to learn.
There is only one (keepyup) tutorial but that is not very detailed.

Can anybody please tell me any book, tutorial etc.

The resources on http://developer.playcanvas.com are focused on the engine and the tools rather than the language or programming in general.

If you don’t have any previous programming experience, then it might be best to start learning about programming in general. They have several lessons plans on Khan Academy using Javascript as the main language: https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming

Is there something specific you are looking to learn about the engine or WebGL?

I haven’t looked at his JavaScript tutorials, but Daniel Wood has a large number of them on his YouTube channel, along with tutorials on PlayCanvas (though not much about using JS in PlayCanvas, as far as I could see. Just the basics there…). He did mention that you can use his JS videos as a reference for PlayCanvas, though. I’ve been using his PC tutorials, and they’re pretty good.
I’m sort of in the same boat as you. I used JS years ago, in Unity and Hippo Animator, but I let my knowledge slide, so I have to relearn a lot of things. Good luck!

Learning JS is one of the easiest here: https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-javascript
Biggest part is actually learning. As developer you will be learning non-stop, and that is a part of a process, so working on skills to search, investigate and experiment - is essential for a success as developer.