Layer-based raycast?

The ammo/bullet API allows you to assign physics objects to groups and have them collide according to a mask. This can also be used with raycasting although none of this is exposed in the PlayCanvas API.

A project that shows how to use the groups can be found here:

The minified code from Virtual Voodoo for the raycast is here:

    var n = new Ammo.btVector3
      , t = new Ammo.btVector3
      , e = function(n, t, e) {
        this.entity = n,
        this.point = t,
        this.normal = e
    pc.RigidBodyComponentSystem.prototype.raycastFiltered = function(o, i, r, a) {
        n.setValue(o.x, o.y, o.z),
        t.setValue(i.x, i.y, i.z);
        var l = new Ammo.ClosestRayResultCallback(n,t);
        l.set_m_collisionFilterMask(a),, t, l);
        var s = null;
        if (l.hasHit()) {
            var u = l.get_m_collisionObject()
              , c = Ammo.castObject(u, Ammo.btRigidBody)
              , m = l.get_m_hitPointWorld()
              , d = l.get_m_hitNormalWorld();
            c && (s = new e(c.entity,new pc.Vec3(m.x(),m.y(),m.z()),new pc.Vec3(d.x(),d.y(),d.z())))
        return Ammo.destroy(l),
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