if ((e.key === pc.KEY_P) && (this.state !== ‘Great_Sword_Slash.json’)) {
Hi, I noticed you keep posting similar questions everywhere on the forum. What is the problem you’re having?
ahh yess…
I have an Animation Blending that was basically to do a keyboard input
var AnimationBlending = pc.createScript('animationBlending');
AnimationBlending.states = {
idle: {
animation: 'Rifle Run.json'
punch: {
animation: 'Great_Sword_Slash.json'
// initialize code called once per entity
AnimationBlending.prototype.initialize = function() {
this.blendTime = 0.2;
this.setState('Rifle Run');
this.app.keyboard.on(pc.EVENT_KEYDOWN, this.keyDown, this);
this.app.keyboard.on(pc.EVENT_KEYUP, this.keyUp, this);
AnimationBlending.prototype.setState = function (state) {
var states = AnimationBlending.states;
this.state = state;
// Set the current animation, taking 0.2 seconds to blend from
// the current animation state to the start of the target animation.
this.entity.animation.play(states[state].animation, this.blendTime);
AnimationBlending.prototype.keyDown = function (e) {
if ((e.key === pc.KEY_P) && (this.state !== 'Great Sword Slash')) {
// Great Sword Slash
//this.setState('Great sword Slash');
AnimationBlending.prototype.keyUp = function (e) {
if ((e.key === pc.KEY_P) && (this.state === 'Great Sword Slash')) {
this.setState('Rifle Run');
The person I first talked answered my question, only not
such and such says passed to. and call names yet they aren’t being specific
I get a syntax instead of the key P triggering Great Sword Slash
What is the desired behaviour? And please share a project link.
The desired behaviour is to use the Animation_Blending script to trigger Great Sword Slash, Punch
thith KEY_P
Check it out there is a Nathan Hawkings giving some insight and tweaking smoother moving