Issue with getting collisions to work with GLB

Actually that action, opening and re-exporting it using Blender has saved me tons of trouble with models and animations in the past.

Blender seems to normalize a few things that can help in similar cases.


The problem here is that I donā€™t have that luxury, I have to procedurally treat files from my client in Playcanvas the way they are without any processing in the middle. Iā€™m still not sure why it happens though. I presume it has something to do with mesh quantization as it is the only major difference between the two files, but I canā€™t tell exactly why the engine wouldnā€™t be able to digest that GLB with quantization only in the use case where itā€™s loaded with script and as a collision (since the viewing part works)

Iā€™m still investigating :sweat_smile:

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Maybe you can ask a low-poly debug model from your client, so you could adjust your workflow with it.

Sadly my client has proven to be not very easy with anything 3D related, I decided to stop asking them things as they are not able to provide me a simple transformed/rotated or scaled mesh, I must admit I donā€™t have the best cards in hand right now :slight_smile:

So I found a solution for anyone in need :

It turns out my client was using GLTFPack that outputs mesh with KHR_mesh_quantization and that meshes with such parameters donā€™t work in AmmoJS
I requests from them to use -noq parameter when generating their GLB and now everything works fine :+1:

Thanks a lot all for your help