Is playcanvas powerful for my big project

in my project;
Sign up with google account and gmail account and of course log in.
In-game leaderboard +
game interactive ads (like watching ads, earning points) +
an online game +
its like head ball 2 but not football game
and the last one; it’s for android, ios, browser and facebook insant games

hello Yigit,

if You’ve got any expierence in how to get the ‘Google ID Token’ I’d like to hear about it :slight_smile:
I’m not from the playcanvas staff but I thinck you need a bagend ( I’m using PlayFab for my leaderboards )

best regards

Firstly thansks a lot.
I don’t know Google Id Token but I will search

While there’s nothing in the list that makes me go: ‘Nah that’s not possible’, not everything is ready for you out of the box.

Eg. You would need to integrate the ad SDK and package the Android and iOS apps with something like Cordova post build.

To give an idea what is possible with PlayCanvas, check out our awesome repo:

Is there any tutorial on how to integrate ad sdk?
And I know I will using cordova

There isn’t as there are a number of different SDKs and services available. However, it’s relative straightforward to add the SDK files to the project. Just add them to them to the project and change the loading type of the files to be before engine. :slight_smile:

Thank you!