iFrame video player: Low performance and external controls

Hello. I started using playcanvas as a multi-video player in a room for an exhibition. I found this tutorial and it worked perfect https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/tutorials/youtube-in-3d-scenes/.

My question is how performatic it is to use and if it is advisable to expose 20 Vimeo videos in different panels.

Is it possible to generate external controls? As buttons to access play or stop from a 3D interface, I could not find much information on how to do it, or if it is possible.

Any kind of information about it would be very helpful.


Hi @Franco_Giordano and welcome,

Though it may be possible for high end devices, with 20 videos you may hit performance bottlenecks for loading/playback and potentially high memory allocation (which can lead to crashes).

An alternative is to show a thumbnail and load and play the video on demand when the user is close / has requested playback.

Actually the example project you mention implements that as well:


There is an SDK for Vimeo too to be able to hook up external controls: Player SDK: The Basics | Vimeo Developer