I want to use mouse hover like selecting object performing events during launcing

i want to use mouse hover like selecting object performing events during launcing but when i am at lauching my project the mouse didnt show up after a press esc button after it is showing what should i do?

Hi @rehman97,

Most likely somewhere in your code your are running the following line that captures the mouse pointer (hides it). Comment it out and your issue will be fixed, the mouse will always be visible:


yeh thanks leonidas right now if you dont mind want to ask that i have 2 obj the first obj i through to other when i through i want to change the color the 2nd object how can i do that?

Check this example how it switches the material on the object from one color to the other:


i have seen that but right now i am totally new in programming i didnt get how could i collect to obj and one object change transfer its material or texture to other leonidas plz help if you have any type of that project or script

many thanks