I have created the 3d room want to change wall and texture change when clicking

hello i have created the 3d room have also paste the color button and i have find some script from site which will change the color of wall or sofa etc i am sharing that project link here SVOYA Apartment - PLAYCANVAS

and the site documention i found from here

here is my project link

i dont get how can i change the mateiral what wrong i am doing plz help?

Hi @rehman97,

To change the material I’ve provided some high level instructions on this post:

If you have implemented everything and you’re only missing the last step, here is some code to change the material on a render component (on a model):

// find the new material in the assets registry
const materialAsset = this.assets.find('My Material Name', 'material');

// change the material in this entity e.g. on the first mesh instance
this.entity.render.meshInstances[0].material = materialAsset.resource;