How to tween a eulerAngle?

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Hi, in my game, once the bird has jumped, it faces a 22.5 angle, then falls down facing the floor, using this code:

// Map range -0.75 to -2 to 22.5 to -90
var zrot = pc.math.clamp(this.velocity, -2, -0.75);
zrot += 1;
this.entity.setLocalEulerAngles(0, 0, zrot * 90);   

Now, this code works fine, but the issue is, I want to make the bird rotate back up to the 22.5 degrees.
Kinda like this

However, I cannot figure out how to do this. I know the code that makes it snap back up is this, but I am unsure on whether to change the above code or the below one.

    if (this.state === 'play') {'game:audio', 'Flap');
        this.entity.sprite.speed = 2;
        this.velocity = this.flapVelocity;  

Any help towards this would be greatly appreciated, thank you :slight_smile:

You could change it so that there’s a desired angle to rotate towards and on every update, only move a maximum of X degrees.

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Hey @yaustar! Thanks for the quick reply.

What you mentioned is what I am struggling to do. I have set up this code:

            // Map range -0.75 to -2 to 22.5 to -90
            var zrot = pc.math.clamp(this.velocity, -2, -0.75);
            zrot += 1;
            this.entity.setLocalEulerAngles(0, 0, zrot * 90);   
            var pos2;
            pos2 = this.entity.getEulerAngles().z;
            if (pos2 < 22.5) {
               //unsure of what to do here 

So I have made it so it gets the current EulerAngle, and checks to see if it is less than 22.5 degrees.
If it is less than 22.5 degrees - well, that’s what I’m stuck on.

I’ve forked the project to demo this and ported Unity’s moveTowards function over :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much!

Hi @yaustar
After you die once and play again, doing this first flap rotates the bird for no reason. How can I fix this? Once again, thanks so much!

Probably will need to reset this.currentZrot to 0.25 when a new game starts.

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solved! Thank you!