How to reload 1 gun at a time?

i kept the wall files, because they might come in handy

@Thebosser_24 From this point please create a new thread specific to your issue. We should not be using this one anymore because it is off topic. Can I mark this as solved?

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i need to reload 2 guns, how would I do that? i put the lines into the function, and I need some sort of way to have it count the Rounds as separate from the other weapons

i was looking back, how would i go about to having an Ammo Count, and a Reload count, would this go into my movement script, or into a new script made entirely for my weapon.

@Thebosser_24 This could be done several ways. I would however suggest separating this into either a weapon script or create a game manager script that holds this information and updates a UI. I think that there may be some questions/answers about this on the forum.

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i have 3 weapon scripts (all empty) Pistol, Sniper, AR
I currently have my shooting, reload, and ammo into my FirstPersonMovement script

@Thebosser_24 This is just an idea as I had stated above. If you make one gun script you could use attributes with the script to configure each weapon. Like<

GunShoot.attributes.add('player', { type: 'entity' });
GunShoot.attributes.add('camera', {type: 'entity', description: 'Optional, assign a camera entity, otherise one is created'});
GunShoot.attributes.add('muzzleFx', { type: 'entity', description: 'Muzzle flash particle system' });
GunShoot.attributes.add('bulletFx', { type: 'entity' , description: 'Bullet effect system' });
GunShoot.attributes.add('impactForce', { type: 'number' , default: 100, description: 'Impact force' });
GunShoot.attributes.add('Automatic', { type: 'boolean' , defalut: false, description: 'Fully automatic or semi-automatic'});
GunShoot.attributes.add('magSize', { type: 'number' , defalut: 15, description: 'Size of magazine'});
GunShoot.attributes.add('firedCount', { type: 'number' , defalut: 15, description: 'Counter to keep track of how many fired'});

Using a generic script that would be configurable through attributes would cover any weapon you would want to use.

I would also suggest that you move the firing(Mousedown) into the generic gun script because each has a trigger.

I have covered a lot of this in the WeaponTest example here.

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@Thebosser_24 I have updated this project to add a simple bullet management system like the one I believe you are looking for. Study the gun-shoot script to see how it works.

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so have taken out some important parts for me to implement…
am I missing something

GunShoot.attributes.add('bulletCntr', { type: 'number' , default: 0, description: 'Current bullet count'});
 // Find the text element to use for update
   this.ammoText ="ammoCnt");
   // Handle reload
   if( {
       console.log("Reload Hit");
       // Reload Magazine
       this.bulletCntr = this.magSize;
   // Update Ammo text
   this.ammoText.element.text = this.bulletCntr + '/' + this.magSize;
// Handle mouse down event
GunShoot.prototype.mouseDown = function(e) {
   // Check for Mouse left button
   if(this.entity.enabled && e.button == pc.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT) {
       if(this.bulletCntr != 0) {
           // Process action
           // Decrease bullet count

@Thebosser_24 I am not sure what the context of the question is. I had a look to the link to your project above and I am not locating the code above. Are you getting some type of error?

i havent implemented it yet, becuase ima do it slowly so i dont break my script, and it will be easier to find errors
no errors
I’m still learning, so ima try to do this one step at a time

@Thebosser_24 OK Just wasn’t sure what I should respond to. Keep going at that pace. One step at a time is easier to locate when a problem occurs.

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so i have added them in and I am having problems with my bullet script, I believe its unrelated to the script I added, but it doesn’t work :person_shrugging: i believe its the same problem as before, but i cant tell, and i deleted my other game, so i don’t know

i figured it out, i just need to fix this line, it says Event is Depricated

      if (event.button === pc.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT) {

the script works, because I changed to the space bar, and it works, I just need to fix this line

I fixed it by myself :slight_smile: