How to get the vertex normals from vertexBuffer of a mesh?

I have got the code from engine. but only describe how to get the vertex position, and I want to know how to get the vertex normals from vertexBuffer object. The image bellow are the console.log of vertexBuffer object.
and I wonder why var offsetPF = offsetP / 4; need to /4. I saw the comment at other code that because of float. so what the relationship between the runtime data of vertexBuffer.format.elements and the var dataF = new Float32Array('s dataF?

if (!this.mesh.boneAabb) {

                    this.mesh.boneAabb = [];
                    this.mesh.boneUsed = [];
                    var elems = this.mesh.vertexBuffer.format.elements;
                    var numVerts = this.mesh.vertexBuffer.numVertices;
                    var vertSize = this.mesh.vertexBuffer.format.size;
                    var index;
                    var offsetP, offsetI, offsetW;
                    var j, k;
                    for(i=0; i<elems.length; i++) {
                        if (elems[i].name===pc.SEMANTIC_POSITION) {
                            offsetP = elems[i].offset;
                        } else if (elems[i].name===pc.SEMANTIC_BLENDINDICES) {
                            offsetI = elems[i].offset;
                        } else if (elems[i].name===pc.SEMANTIC_BLENDWEIGHT) {
                            offsetW = elems[i].offset;

                    var data8 = new Uint8Array(;
                    var dataF = new Float32Array(;
                    var offsetPF = offsetP / 4;
                    var offsetWF = offsetW / 4;
                    var vertSizeF = vertSize / 4;

                    var bMax, bMin;
                    var x, y, z;
                    var boneMin = [];
                    var boneMax = [];
                    var boneUsed = this.mesh.boneUsed;

                    for(i=0; i<numBones; i++) {
                        boneMin[i] = new pc.Vec3(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE);
                        boneMax[i] = new pc.Vec3(-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE);

                    for(j=0; j<numVerts; j++) {
                        for(k=0; k<4; k++) {
                            if (dataF[j * vertSizeF + offsetWF + k] > 0) {
                                index = data8[j * vertSize + offsetI + k];
                                // Vertex j is affected by bone index
                                x = dataF[j * vertSizeF + offsetPF];
                                y = dataF[j * vertSizeF + offsetPF + 1];
                                z = dataF[j * vertSizeF + offsetPF + 2];

                                bMax = boneMax[index];
                                bMin = boneMin[index];

                                if (bMin.x > x) bMin.x = x;
                                if (bMin.y > y) bMin.y = y;
                                if (bMin.z > z) bMin.z = z;

                                if (bMax.x < x) bMax.x = x;
                                if (bMax.y < y) bMax.y = y;
                                if (bMax.z < z) bMax.z = z;

                                boneUsed[index] = true;

                    var aabb;
                    for(i=0; i<numBones; i++) {
                        aabb = new pc.BoundingBox();
                        aabb.setMinMax(boneMin[i], boneMax[i]);

why need to /4 for float 32? to sync the Float32Array and Uint8Array ?

what vertSizeF mean ?