Help! My Start-Orbitcamera is too close to object

This is my project:

The camera starts inside the building but I would like it to be outside.
Any quick solution?

That looks like it’s a pretty old build?

If you update it to use the code from the latests model viewer you can specifiy the min / max distance for the camera. Plus the default focus on start should frame the whole model so should be better.

Yes, very old.
How would I upgrade to the new viewer the easiest way?

Without looking at the project, you can copy and paste/download the files from the starter kit here:

Add them to the project and add all 3 components to the camera. Remove the old orbit-camera code from the entities.

As Steven says, it’s possible to just copy the scripts from the new starter kit project. However, I suspect your project is using the legacy script format which means you won’t be able to use the scripts.

Is it a lot of work to re-upload the model data into a new project?

Actually, it looks like a really quick fix is to change this line in camera.js

this.reset(pc.Vec3.ZERO, 3);

Change the number 3 to something larger. I think that is the initial distance from the origin the camera is set to.

Yes, adjusting

this.reset(pc.Vec3.ZERO, 3);

fixed it. THANK YOU!

I would now be very happy if someone could tell be how I could change the vertical camera rotation at start.
(I see the building from the wrong direction.)