Gamepad help please



Quick example:

var Main = pc.createScript('main');

// initialize code called once per entity
Main.prototype.initialize = function() { = 0.1;

// update code called every frame
Main.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    var gamepads =;
    var x = gamepads.getAxis(pc.PAD_1, pc.PAD_L_STICK_X);
    var y = gamepads.getAxis(pc.PAD_1, pc.PAD_L_STICK_Y);
    if (x !== false && y !== false) {
        console.log("x: " + x.toPrecision(3) + " | y: " + y.toPrecision(3));

Some more examples:

You can find a bunch of constants for the pad here:

@yaustar thanks I’m gonna go add this to my game

can anyone tell me what is wrong with this line of code?

What’s the error message?

[Controller%20Input.js?id=40793921&branchId=1303e9b3-0978-47b7-b1c7-7f286697e2fb:11]: Cannot read property ‘isPressed’ of null

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘isPressed’ of null
at scriptType.ControllerInput.update (
at ScriptComponent._scriptMethod (
at ScriptComponent._onUpdate (
at ScriptComponentSystem._callComponentMethod (
at ScriptComponentSystem._onUpdate (
at Function._helper (
at Function.update (
at Application.update (
at Application.tick (
at Application.start (

Sounds like you haven’t enabled gamepads in the project settings.

See Gamepad help please

you were right.

@yaustar now it just does nothing

The code in your if statement does nothing so I’m not sure what you were expecting :sweat_smile:

Also I see that you are using a chrome book, I would check the gamepad works on that laptop with

i already did test the game pad does work i was trying to make it so that when i press the button it counts as pressing space.

The function you are calling is isPressed on the keyboard object which returns a true/false value.

It doesn’t simulate a key press.

Call the function/logic that is executed when space is pressed instead.

yeah i fixed thanks.

ok but how do i use -y and -x on the axis as a input like i can positive x and y?

I don’t understand what you mean?

@yaustar like if i use pc.PAD_1, pc.PAD_L_STICK_X that works but if i use pc.PAD_1, pc.PAD_L_STICK_-X That does not work.

pc.PAD_L_STICK_X returns a value of -1 to 1

-1 being left, 1 being right

so if were to do something like this
var x = gamepads.getAxis(pc.PAD_1, pc.PAD_L_STICK_X);
if (x = 1) {
right = true;
if (x = -1){
left = true;
if (x = 0) {
left = false;
right = false;

if (right) {
entity.move right (not real code)

if (left) {
entity.move left (not real code)

Would that work?

More like this as someone may have a dodgy joypad that doesn’t reach the extremes

var x = gamepads.getAxis(pc.PAD_1, pc.PAD_L_STICK_X);
var left = false;
var right = false;
if (x !== false) {
    if (x >= 0.5) {
        right = true;
    if (x <= -0.5) {
        left = true;