Forking Swooop Project


Is there a way to edit and play around with Swooop project since im new to the platform its useful to see how everything works. So kindly assist on how can i duplicate or edit this project:


You need to fork it … see the fork button on the page you linked. This will basically clone it to your account, and you can modify it.

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It seems you can’t, even though it’s public, haven’t seen this message before:


@yaustar any idea?

IIRC, it was private IP and forking on that project was disallowed. Before my time and pinging @will

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Yeah, we decided not make the project public (so people can learn from it) but not forkable since it’s PlayCanvas IP. But we could reconsider that - I’ll have to think about it.


Thank you all for your replay, for me i want to change the models and have a flying boy collecting items. Will change the environments as well thats why i saw Swooop project as a great help and shortcut to my project. Will be awaiting your decision then.


Surprisingly, this option is already there. I prefer to give all users the option to disable forking for their project.

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There’s definitely some thinking we could do around this. Leave it with me. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: