First person Movement on a sphere (with jumping) is this possible?

Projects of this kind are not provided for free. It is also necessary to understand that this will require support from the creator. Therefore, those who really needed help and a license, contacted me directly.

The system itself is very complex, but if you don’t get into the nuances of implementation, you simply throw scripts on objects, scripts of planets, their movement, player settings, etc. everything is ready for use.

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Wait you are trying to sell the code?

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Yes, what is the question?

I never said there was a question idk what u talkin about

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A simpler solution that cuts to the point may be easier. your code does take up more space and run time then the code from codeknight which is fine, I just don’t have money to spend on the code. thank you for getting back though and I do appreciate it.

Yeah that’s understandable, and I’m fine with that. I’ll do my best not to break the code. lol :sweat_smile:

I was able to get on today for a bit. I tried to set the y Eulerangles of the whole thing to the camera’s y but that didn’t work. I’ll see if I can work on it a bit more tomorrow.

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I tried the same thing but I kept getting errors from vectors and aligning the movement. I’m not 100% caught up on the new api either. I do appreciate your help and work as well.

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I did find a issue with the planet though, I want the planets to orbit planets and rotate for natural day/nigh cycles (this is easy) but the player floats above the planet. (shown in the video below)

You are doing the wrong thing, you will never be able to do it with this approach, you are trying to drag a dynamic body on the planet and at the same time around it, read about interpolation in physics. I explored many approaches, which eventually made me write a kinematic controller.

If you use teleport, the player’s actions will become jerky.

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