Engine Release: v1.69.0

We have deployed a hotfix that has resolved the issue.


Thanks, i confirm it’s working again

Hey team, congrats on another amazing release. However I can’t install it via npm it can’t seem to download for some reason (1.68.2 is fine but 1.69.0

  oly-web-client git:(feat/playcanvas-168) ✗ yarn add playcanvas    
➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@npm:1.69.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote r
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@file:.#.::hash=4ca705&locator=playcanvas%40npm%3A1.69.0 can't be found in th
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@file:.#.::hash=4ca705&locator=playcanvas%40npm%3A1.69.0 can't be found in the cache and 
➤ YN0000: ⠼ playcanvas@file:.::locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dplaycanvas%2540n➤ YN0000: ⠴ playcanvas@file:.::locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dplaycanvas%2540n
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@file:.#.::hash=4ca705&locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dp
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@file:.#.::hash=4ca705&locator=playcanvas%40npm%3A1.69.0 can't be found in the cache and 
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@file:.#.::hash=4ca705&locator=playcanvas%40npm%3A1.69.0 can't be found in the cache and 
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@file:.#.::hash=4ca705&locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dp
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@file:.#.::hash=4ca705&locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dp
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@file:.#.::hash=4ca705&locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dp
➤ YN0013: │ playcanvas@file:.#.::hash=4ca705&locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dp
➤ YN0000: ⠇ playcanvas@file:.::locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dplaycanvas%2540f
➤ YN0000: ⠇ playcanvas@file:.::locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dplaycanvas%2540file%253A.%2523.%253A%253Ahash%253D4ca705%2526locator%253Dplaycanvas%252540file%25253A.%252523.%25253A%25253Ahash➤ YN0000: ⠏ playcanvas@file:.::locator=playcanvas%40file%3A.%23.%3A%3Ahash%3D4ca705%26locator%3Dplaycanvas%2540file%253A.%2523.%253A%253Ahash%253D4ca705%2526locator%253Dplaycanvas%252540file%25253A.%252523.%25253A%25253Ahash%25253D4ca705%252526locator%25253Dplaycanvas%25252540npm%2525253A1.69.0

Hey @Adrian_Meredith thanks for flagging this! I can’t seem to replicate when starting from a new project. What are the steps your running through to get this? I’m assuming it’s an existing code base?

weird, never seen anything like it before. but steps are as above, yarn add playcanvas. doing remove then yarn add playcanvas@1.58.2 and its all good. will try cleaning the cache and seeing if that helps

It could be a caching issue, although for various reasons we have introduced this in the deps which looks like a similar pathing issue to your error

The engine has been patched to Release v1.69.1 · playcanvas/engine · GitHub

@Adrian_Meredith - please see if this solves it for you, thanks.

No change unfortunately. that file:. entry is very suspicious though…


Just FYI @Adrian_Meredith, it seems this is related to Node v16 and below, which can’t the dependancy

I’m currently using v21.1.0. The symptoms match the description of that entry in dependencies, its not just not finding it, its stuck in recursive loop as a package called playcanvas depends on a package called playcanvas. What is it there for?

What version of yarn are you using?


Patched to Release v1.69.2 · playcanvas/engine · GitHub

Please test again @Adrian_Meredith

Legends, all good now. Thanks

1.69.2 release is now the default one in the editor.

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Due to some unrelated issues this was reverted, but will be deployed when the problems are solved in the next few days.

And this is now in the Editor again. Please report any issues.

@mvaligursky it seems like clear color property of cameras doesn’t work on old projects. Do you know why this might be happening? It seems like it’s broken after latest release.

You can check if clearColorBuffer property is set to true on the camera component. Otherwise, it works for me at least with latest and older versions.

Yep, there was some change in the 1.68.
Ah yeah … WebGL automatically clears the backbuffer. But now when AA is enabled, we allocate the backbuffer we render to, and that is by default not cleared. So the camera flag needs to be set to clear.

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